Shikibu Terutada
(式部輝忠, also known as Ryūkyō [竜杏]; fl. mid-16th century)
Catalogue information
Muromachi period
Pair of hanging scrolls; ink and color on paper
Each scroll 95.6 x 44.8 cm (37 5/8 x 17 5/8 in.)
Donated to The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York by the Mary and Jackson Burke Foundation in 2015
Ex Coll.: Maruyama Ryūhei, Kobe
“Ryūkyō hitsu Kachō zu kai” 1929, pp. 95, 100–105
; 1929
“Ryūkyō hitsu Kachō zu kai” (“Birds and Flowers,” by Ryūkyō). Kokka, no. 461 (April): 100–105.
Nakajima Junji 1968, fig. 23 (left scroll only)
; 1968
“Sozai keishiki shugi eno tenraku: Sesshū kei kachōzu byōbu kenkyū 2” (Study of flower-and-bird screens by Sesshū and artists of his school, 2: Trend for dominance of formalistic units in compositions). [Tokyo] Museum, no. 205 (April): 4–21.
Kanazawa Hiroshi and Kawai Masatomo 1982, p. 145
; 1982
Suiboku no hana to tori: Muromachi no kachō (Ink paintings of birds and flowers: Birds and flowers of the Muromachi period). Kachōga no sekai (The world of bird-and-flower painting), 2. Tokyo: Gakushū Kenkyūsha.
Yamashita Yūji 1985, fig. 11
; 1985
“Shikibu Terutada no kenkyū: Kantō suibokuga ni kansuru ichi kōsatsu” (A study of Shikibu Terutada: An observation about suiboku painting in the Kantō District). Kokka, no. 1084: 11–31.
Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum 1986, pl. 44
; 1986
Muromachi bijutsu to Sengoku gadan: Ōta Dōkan kinen bijutsu ten (Art of the Muromachi and Sengoku periods: Ōta Dōkan Memorial Art Exhibition). Exh. cat. Tokyo: Tōkyō-to Bunka Shinkōkai.
Murase 1993, no. 17
; 1993
Jewel Rivers: Japanese Art from the Burke Collection. Exh. cat. Richmond: Virginia Museum of Fine Art.
Murase 2000, no. 59
; 2000
Bridge of Dreams: The Mary Griggs Burke Collection of Japanese Art. Exh. cat. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Tsuji Nobuo et al. 2005, no. 47.
Nyūyōku Bāku korekushon-ten: Nihon no bi sanzennen no kagayaki / Enduring Legacy of Japanese Art: The Mary Griggs Burke Collection. Exh. cat., Museum of Fine Arts, Gifu; Hiroshima Prefectural Museum of Art; Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum; and Miho Museum, Shigaraki, Shiga Prefecture. [Tokyo]: Nihon Keizai Shinbunsha.
See also
- Japanese paintings » Ink Painting of the Muromachi and Momoyama Periods
- Hanging scrolls
- Works of the Muromachi period
- Works by Shikibu Terutada
This artwork was published as catalogue entry 127 in Volume I of Art through a Lifetime.
Additional details

[on each scroll] Ryūkyō