Sakai Hōitsu
(酒井抱一; 1761–1828)
Catalogue information
Edo period, 1801
Two-panel folding screen; ink, color, and gold on silk
Each panel 124.4 x 63.5 cm (49 x 25 in.)
Donated to the Minneapolis Institute of Art by the Mary and Jackson Burke Foundation in 2015
Kōno Motoaki 1978, pp. 33–34, fig. 5
; Tamamushi Satoko 1997, pl. 6
; 1997
Sakai Hōitsu. Shinchō Nihon bijutsu bunko (Shincho Japanese art library), 18. Tokyo: Shinchōsha.
Tamamushi Satoko 2008, p. 19
; 2008
Motto shiritai Sakai Hōitsu: Shōgai to sakuhin (I want to know more about Sakai Hōitsu: His training and oeuvre). Tokyo: Tōkyō Bijutsu.
Nakamachi Keiko 2010, p. 36
; 2010
[Editor]. Edo Rinpa no suijin: Sakai Hōitsu (Sakai Hōitsu: A sophisticate of Edo Rinpa). Nihon no kokoro (Spirit of Japan), 177. Tokyo: Heibonsha.
McKelway 2012, pp. 56–57, no. 6.
Silver Wind: The Arts of Sakai Hōitsu (1761–1828). Exh. cat. New York: Japan Society Gallery.
See also
This artwork was published as catalogue entry 190 in Volume I of Art through a Lifetime.
Additional details

[on right screen] Summer month, 1801, Chōan Teihakushi
[on left screen] Chōan Teihakushi
[on each panel] Hōitsu
; Meimeikyo