Nishikawa Sukenobu
(西川祐信; 1671–1751 )
Catalogue information
Edo period
Hanging scroll; ink and color on paper
38.1 x 57 cm (15 x 22 1/2 in.)
Donated to The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York by the Mary and Jackson Burke Foundation in 2015
Ex Coll.: Frank E. Hart
Edwards 1997, p. 32
; Ronnberg and Martin 2010, p. 72, fig. 2
; 2010
The Book of Symbols. The Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism. Cologne: Taschen.
Yamamoto Yukari 2010, p. 2, pl. 1.
Kamigata fūzokuga no kenkyū: Nishikawa Sukenobu, Tsukioka Settei o chūshin ni (A study of genre painting in the Kyoto area: With a focus on Nishikawa Sukenobu and Tsukioka Settei). Tokyo: Geika Shoin.
See also
This artwork was published as catalogue entry 241 in Volume I of Art through a Lifetime.
Additional details

Painted by Nishikawa Ukyō Sukenobu
Nishikawashi; Sukenobu painted this