Kamata Ukei
(鎌田雨溪; b. 1948)
Catalogue information
Ca. 1998
Silk hanging with folding fans; ink on paper
215 x 98.8 cm (84 5/8 x 38 7/8 in.)
Gift from the artist to the Mary and Jackson Burke Foundation, 2006
Donated to the Minneapolis Institute of Art by the Mary and Jackson Burke Foundation in 2015
See also
This artwork was published as catalogue entry 544 in Volume I of Art through a Lifetime.
Additional details

[from top to bottom] [fan 1] If Heaven and Earth should cease to be, / we would stop meeting. / However, this will never happen
[fan 2] halfway drunk
[fan 3] When I sing, the moon drifts. / When I dance, my shadow wavers
[fan 4] peacefulness
[on fans 1–3] Ukei sho
[on fans 1, 2] Rofūan
; [on fan 4] Ukei