Tosa Mitsunari (or Mitsushige)
(土佐光成; 1646–1710)
Catalogue information
Edo period, late 17th century
Pair of six-panel folding screens, with fifty-four shikishi of painting and fifty-four shikishi of text
Paintings: ink, color, and gold on silver-covered paper; text: ink on paper
Each screen 155.9 (116.8 without silver) x 354.6 cm (61 3/8 [46 without silver] x 11 ft. 7 5/8 in.)
Donated to the Minneapolis Institute of Art by the Mary and Jackson Burke Foundation in 2015
See also
This artwork was published as catalogue entry 73 in Volume I of Art through a Lifetime.
Additional details

[on left screen] Nowaki
[chapter] // The screens having been folded and put away, the view was unobstructed . . . She laughed as her women fought with the unruly blinds.
[on 54th sheet] Painted by Tosa Mitsunari
[on each sheet] Tosa