(弘仁; 1610–1664)
Catalogue information
Qing dynasty, ca. 1657–58
Framed, formerly a hanging scroll; ink on paper
Painting 60.2 x 46.8 cm (23 x 18 3/8 in.)
Painting with shitang 88.6 x 46.8 cm (34 7/8 x 18 3/8 in.)
See also
This artwork was published as catalogue entry 956 in Volume II of Art through a Lifetime.
Additional details

[by artist]
I have had a sworn pact with the Buddhist Recluse Shian for twenty years. Recently because he made acquaintances away from the region his traces were few, and I have not often painted for him. Suddenly he has returned to the mountains, [and since] it happened to be his birthday [in this picture] by chance I have taken Qingmi (Ni Zan) as a teacher, perhaps preserving the idea of when the years turned cold.
與蝕菴居士, 二十 年白鷸之盟, 邇以結志區外, 踪跡稍疏, 不多為之作畫。倏然還山, 值其初度, 余偶以清秘為師庶存嵗寒之意。
[of artist] Jianjiang xueren Hongren
[of artist] Hongren
弘仁 (circular, relief); Jianjiang
漸江 (square, intaglio)
[of collectors and connoisseurs]
Zhang Zhiwan 張之萬 (1811–1897):
Judged and owned by Ziqing
[Ziqing jiancang
子青鋻藏] (rectangular, relief)
Zhang Daqian 張大千 (Chang Dai-chien; 1899–1983):
South, north, east or west to follow [me] only and not to leave [my side]
[Nanbei dongxi zhi you xiangsui wu bieli
南北東西只有相隨無別離] (square, relief); Zhang Yuan
張爰 (square, intaglio); Seal of Daqian
[Daqian xi
大千鉩 (鉥)] (square, relief)
Wang Jiqian 王季遷 (C. C. Wang; 1907–2003):
A famous work seen abroad by Wang Jiqian
[Wang Jiqian haiwai suojian mingji
王季遷海外所見名跡] (square, relief)
Unidentified collector
卉米舫 (square, relief)
Inscription in shitang
by Fang Hengxian 方亨咸 (jinshi
1647) dated to 1666:
Seal of Fang Hengxian
[Fang Hengxian yin
方亨咸印] (square, intaglio)
Style name Jiou
[Zi yue Jiou
字曰吉偶] (square, intaglio)
Pang gong
龐公 (rectangular, intaglio)
Collector’s seal in shitang
Zhang Daqian 張大千 (Chang Dai-chien; 1899–1983)
Seal of the treasured possessions of the Great Wind Hall
[Dafengtang zhencang yin
大風堂珍藏印] (rectangular, relief)