(髠殘; 1612–ca. 1674)
Catalogue information
Qing dynasty, mid-17th century
Framed, formerly a hanging scroll; ink and color on paper
110.4 x 37.1 cm (43 1/2 x 14 5/8 in.)
See also
This artwork was published as catalogue entry 957 in Volume II of Art through a Lifetime.
Additional details

[by artist] Seeking in the mountains to escape the summer heat, / a deep valley conceals a monk’s home. / Bamboo and trees obscure the remote trail; / on old branches, crows squawk at dusk. / Without anyone to boil stone marrow, / yet there is a guest to keep company with the rosy clouds. / We sit facing each other by Shuangxi Stream; / the shadows of a thousand peaks fall obliquely.
[of artist] Shiqi Can daozhe
[of artist] Shiqi
石谿 (square, intaglio); Baitu
白禿 (square, relief)
[of collectors and connoisseurs]
He Yuanyu 何瑗玉 (fl. 19th century):
Seal of books, ancient inscriptions, calligraphy, and paintings that have passed the eyes of younger brother He Yuanyu, sobriquet Quhe, of Duanxi
[Duanxi He shuzi Yuanyu hao Quhe guoyan jingji jinshi shuhua yinji
端谿何叔子瑗玉号蘧盦過眼經籍金石書畫印記] (rectangular, relief)
Lin Qingtang 林慶堂 (19th century?):
Owned by the Zhilanwei Studio of Mr. Lin Qingtang
[Zhilanwei Zhai Lin shi Qingtang cang
芝蘭味齋林氏慶堂藏] (square, relief)
Pang Yuanji 龐元濟 (1864–1949)
Examined and authenticated by Xuzhai
[Xuzhai shending
虛齋審定] (square, relief)
Wang Jiqian 王季遷 (C. C. Wang; 1907–2003)
A famous work seen abroad by Wang Jiqian
[Wang Jiqian haiwai suojian mingji
王季遷海外所見名跡] (square, relief)
Unidentified collectors:
Evaluated and authenticated by Li’an
[Li’an pinding
理庵品定] (possibly Zhao Hongxie 趙宏燮 [Qing dynasty]) (square, intaglio)
Owned by Jingtang
[Jingtang suocang
鏡塘所藏] (possibly Wang Baolin 王寳林 [Qing dynasty]) (square, relief)