Qi Gong
(啓功; 1912–2005)
Catalogue information
Republic of China (1912–49) or People’s Republic of China (1949–present), mid-20th century
Eight-panel table screen; ink and color on paper
23 x 8 cm (9 x 3 1/8 in.)
See also
This artwork was published as catalogue entry 968 in Volume II of Art through a Lifetime.
Additional details

[by artist]
[Panel 1] Reducing a large work of a Ming painter
[Panel 2] General idea of the two Mi
[Panel 3] After Shitian weng
[Panel 4] Following the brush ideas of Beiyuan
[Panel 5] Copying Yunxi Daoren
[Panel 6] Small changes on the received ideas of Fanghu Daoren
[Panel 7] Modeling the brushwork of Juran
[Panel 8] Imitating the methods of a Song painter
[of artist] Qi Gong
(啓功); Yuanbai
[of artist] Qi Gong
[Qi Gong
啓功] (square, intaglio); Seal of Qi Gong
[Qi Gong zhi yin
啓功之印] (square, intaglio); Yuanbai
元白] (square, relief)