Wen Zhengming
(文徴明; 1470–1559)
Catalogue information
Ming dynasty, ca. 1540
Framed, formerly a hanging scroll; ink and color on silk
91.5 x 46.5 cm (36 x 18 1/4 in.)
See also
This artwork was published as catalogue entry 954 in Volume II of Art through a Lifetime.
Additional details

[by artist] Fresh water waiting to boil, / the proud new tea swelling like green banners; / Jiangnan’s “grain rains”—the festival is near. / Under Mount Hui’s springs, a skiff returns, / Gauze cap and mountain man at “the place of the halter.” // The meditation mat, wind-borne flowers, the flying, swirling beard; /the blocked-up wine guest wakes from a dream of dust, / reclines, and watches the spring sun sink through the pine door.
[of artist] Zhengming
[of artist] Seal of Wen Zhengming
[Wen Zhengming yin
文徴明印] (square, intaglio); Tingyun Lodge
[Tingyun guan
停雲館] (square, intaglio)
[of collectors] Xiang Yuanbian
項元汴 (1525–1590): Zijing
子京 (gourd-shaped, relief); Carefully guarded and enjoyed by Molin
[Molin miwan
墨林袐玩] (square, relief); Prized and owned by the family of Xiang Zijing
[Xiang Zijing jia zhencang
項子京家珍藏] (rectangular, relief); Seal of Xiang Yuanbian
[Xiang Yuanbian yin
項元汴印] (square, relief); Seal of the treasure boxes of father Xiang Molin
[Xiang Molin fu miji zhi yin
項墨林父袐笈之印] (rectangular, relief)
Wang Jiqian 王季遷 (C. C. Wang, 1907–2003)
Formerly collected at Wang Jiqian’s dwelling
[Zengcang Wang Jiqian chu
曾藏王季遷處] (rectangular, relief)
Unidentified collector: Undeciphered