Sesson Shūkei
(雪村周継; ca. 1504–ca. 1589)
Catalogue information
Muromachi period
Hanging scroll; ink and light color on paper
102.6 x 51.8 cm (40 3/8 x 20 3/8 in.)
Donated to The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York by the Mary and Jackson Burke Foundation in 2015
Ex Coll.: Sakata Yasorō; Fukuoka Kōtei; Count Hijikata
“Sesson hitsu Shichiken suibu zu” 1940, p. 40
; 1940
“Sesson hitsu Shichiken suibu zu” (“The Seven Wise Men of the Bamboo Grove in a Drunken Revelry,” by Sesson). Kokka, no. 591 (February): 40–41.
Nakamura Tanio 1971, fig. 59
; 1971
Sesson to Kantō suibokuga (Sesson and ink painting of the Kantō region). Nihon no bijutsu (Arts of Japan), 63. Tokyo: Shibundō.
Murase 1975, no. 41
; 1975
Japanese Art: Selections from the Mary and Jackson Burke Collection. Exh. cat. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Shimada Shūjirō 1979, no. 91
; 1979
[Editor]. Suibokuga (Ink painting). Zaigai Nihon no shihō (Japanese art: Selections from Western collections), 3. Tokyo: Mainichi Shinbunsha.
Akazawa Eiji 1980, fig. 92
; 1980
[Editor]. Muromachi no suibokuga: Sesshū, Sesson, Motonobu (Ink painting of the Muromachi period: Sesshū, Sesson, and Motonobu). Nihon bijutsu zenshū (Survey of Japanese art), 16. Tokyo: Gakushū Kenkyūsha.
Kameda Tsutomu 1980, pl. 23
; 1980
Sesson. Nihon bijutsu kaiga zenshū (Survey of Japanese painting), 8. Tokyo: Shūeisha.
Etō Shun 1982, pl. 219
; 1982
[Editor]. Sesson Shūkei zen gashū (The complete works of Sesson Shūkei). Tokyo: Kōdansha.
Hayashi Susumu 1980, fig. 1
; 1980
“Sesson hitsu Chikurin Shichiken zu byōbu (Hatakeyama Kinenkan zō) ni tsuite” (Screen Painting of “The Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove,” by Sesson, in the collection of the Hatakeyama Memorial Museum). In Jinbutsuga: Kanga kei jinbutsu (Figure paintings: Figures in Chinese-inspired paintings). Nihon byōbu-e shūsei (Survey of Japanese screen paintings), 4. Reprint, 1982.
Ford 1985, fig. 11
; Tokyo National Museum 1985a, no. 25
; 1985a
Nihon bijutsu meihin ten: New York Burke Collection / A Selection of Japanese Art from the Mary and Jackson Burke Collection. Exh. cat. Tokyo: Chunichi Shimbun.
Avitabile 1990, no. 45
; 1990
[Editor]. Die Kunst des alten Japan: Meisterwerke aus der Mary and Jackson Burke Collection, New York. Exh. cat. Frankfurt: Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt.
Nakajima Junji 1994, no. 110
; 1994
Suibokuga: Shōkei to Sesson (Ink painting: Shōkei and Sesson). Nihon no bijutsu (Arts of Japan), 337. Tokyo: Shibundō.
Brown 1997, pp. 80, 201, fig. 8
; 1997
The Politics of Reclusion: Painting and Power in Momoyama Japan. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press.
Murase 2000, no. 69
; 2000
Bridge of Dreams: The Mary Griggs Burke Collection of Japanese Art. Exh. cat. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Yamashita Yūji and Asano Shūgō 2002, p. 52, no. 10
; 2002
Sesson ten: Sengoku jidai no sūpā ekisentorriku (Sesson exhibition: Super eccentric of the Warring States period). Exh. cat., Chiba City Museum of Art. Tokyo: Asano Kenkyūjo.
Tsuji Nobuo et al. 2005, no. 44
; 2005
Nyūyōku Bāku korekushon-ten: Nihon no bi sanzennen no kagayaki / Enduring Legacy of Japanese Art: The Mary Griggs Burke Collection. Exh. cat., Museum of Fine Arts, Gifu; Hiroshima Prefectural Museum of Art; Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum; and Miho Museum, Shigaraki, Shiga Prefecture. [Tokyo]: Nihon Keizai Shinbunsha.
Chiu and Tezuka 2009, p. 32, fig. 17.
[Editors]. Yang Fudong: Seven Intellectuals in Bamboo Forest. Exh. cat. New York: Asia Society.
See also
- Japanese paintings » Ink Painting of the Muromachi and Momoyama Periods
- Hanging scrolls
- Works of the Muromachi period
- Works by Sesson Shūkei
This artwork was published as catalogue entry 103 in Volume I of Art through a Lifetime.
Additional details

[lower right] Sesson
(cauldron shaped); Shūkei